Women Economic and Social Services

The registration status is national organization to operate across the country. Being young NGO with limited operative resources WECOSS expects to work in few districts and small areas.

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To support society with special needs especially education, health and economics to have a strong, resilient and independent society. We also aimed at improving the access of healthcare to the underprivileged and vulnerable population through public knowledge empowerment and policy influence.

About Women Economic and Social Services

The Women Economic and Social Services (short WECOSS), is a non-profit and nongovernmental organization (NGO), based at Kibaha town council in Pwani Coast region, 60 km west of Dar es Salaam capital city of Tanzania. It is 80 km to the islands of Zanzibar and 495 km to Mountain Kilimanjaro, permanent snow capped highest mountain in Africa located 3.3 degrees south of the equator: Uhuru peak is 5,895 metres (19,340 feet) above sea level and 1.8 miles (2.9km) wide. Kilimanjaro mountain consists of three distinct volcanic craters / peaks: Kibo the highest, Mawenzi and Shira the lowest. Tanzania is a large country covering 947,387 sq km with 49,639,138 people (2016 estimates by National Bureau of Standards), with 31 regions, 148 districts and 182 councils by 2015. The registration status is national organization to operate across the country. Being young NGO with limited operative resources WECOSS expects to work in few districts and small areas.


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The aim was to promote healthcare to the underprivileged and vulnerable (70% of the population) who cannot easily access health services in the country. We focus on facilitating health information dissemination to the public taking into account that only 32.9% of the population has adequate literacy level in the country, mostly living in resource poor setting.


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